Marine Fendering

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Pneumatic fenders with tire net

The tire net are the most common used pneumatic fenders and equipped with a so-called “netting”. The “netting” consists of car/truck tires placed with horizontal and vertical chains as a net to the fender (also available with aircraft tires). The tire net adds extra protection to the fender body. At each end the chains are fastened to a flange and towing ring with shackles. The horizontal and vertical chains, the towing ring, shackles and swivel are galvanised to prevent corrosion. The chains are covered by rubber sleeves to prevent damage to the skip. As an option the towing ring, flange and swivel are also available in stainless steel.All Pneumatic net type fenders come with an internal pressure of 0.5 Bar. All dimensions can be produced and supplied with 0.8 internal pressure.


Pneumatic tire size standard


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Diameter (mm) Length B Initial internal pressure (kPa) Diameter incl.belt net (mm) Length incl.belt net (mm) Energy absorption at 60% compression (kN / m) Reaction force at 60% compression (kN / m) Weight
Pneumatic Fender 500x1000mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 500 1000 50 640 1255 6 64 77.00
Pneumatic Fender 1000x1500mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 1000 1500 50 1240 1715 32 182 180.00
Pneumatic Fender 1000x2000mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 1000 2000 50 1240 2215 45 257 225.00
Pneumatic Fender 1200x2000mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 1200 2000 50 1440 2215 63 297 260.00
Pneumatic Fender 1500x3000mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 1500 3000 50 1720 3330 153 579 590.00
Pneumatic Fender 2000x3500mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 2000 3500 50 2260 3830 308 875 989.00
Pneumatic Fender 2500x4000mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 2500 4000 50 2760 4380 663 1381 1404.00
Pneumatic Fender 2500x5500mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 2500 5500 50 2760 5880 943 2019 1853.00
Pneumatic Fender 3300x6500mm - 50 Kpa - w/ chain tyre net 3300 6500 50 3740 6940 1814 3015 3800.00
Geen montage afmetingen afbeelding beschikbaar.


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